Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bom Dia! Dia Um - Air travel

It is 4:45 am and we are at Nashville International Airport. We can't yet get a cup of coffee, but we are wide awake with excitement. AND, we have already had the gift of First Class bestowed upon us for our flight from Atlanta to Dulles. We will refrain from looking a gift horse in the mouth, but it would have been sweet to get the prize for our long haul flight to Jo'burg. We'll turn on our traveler's charm and see if we can't swing that perk as well. CC knows what we're talking about - fully reclined.
This time tomorrow, we'll almost be to Johannesburg. Check our weather.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

A hearty bowl of "Thanks for the Love"

To all of you who comment on our blog (presently C and N), we love it!

As we find ourselves in foreign territory (literally and figuratively) in Mozambique, we will cherish every word (except the word, 'raggamuffin', which I find silly) we get in response to our postings.

Three days left and already we're having visions of malaria plums dancing in our heads! We will be staying at the Dutch Reformed Church in Molumate or Machava - not really sure where it is yet - for about 5 dollars a night. Simple accommodations but we have a kitchen that we can cook our own junk in. Peri Peri Chicken, anyone?

There is some real divine intervention happening here, yes?!

Please keep reading and commenting as our adventure begins.
J and E

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

We had an orphaned doctors dinner last night for Christmas Eve. It's nice to share with friends! Merry Christmas to everyone.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Getting clearer on a plan?

Well, we're eight (8, oito) days (dias) from departure and ten (10, dez) days from arriving in Maputo.

We've got a place to stay - The Base Backpackers Hostel - for the first few days. This might turn into our home for the duration. We've got a ride from the airport to the base ($10 US). And, we've got a friend there named Shula Mulenga who's going to help us stay busy while we're there.

Shula is in charge of the orphan program, Kutwanana Home-based Care, that we'll be "visiting" - quotes necessary considering the governmental reluctance to accept foreign assistance - and she's going to meet us in Maputo and, hopefully, provide a sense of safety and confidence that we're where we need to be.

In case your not sure where it is we'll be:

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Here's our plan

So, we were given news that we didn't want to hear yesterday. Dr. V., of "The Institute", dropped us an email that confirmed his fear that we will be useless to them since they haven't been granted permission to work in Mozambique yet.

Not being one to look at the downside of most situations, I began, in earnest, to track down anyone in Mozambique who could use a physician and an adventurous program development guru. I located some doctors who fix hearts two times a year for the Maputo Heart Institute. The mission chief for the March surgical intervention, Dr. Jonathan Chen, is trying to hook us up, but there may be a great deal of red tape to cut through. But it is an option.

Our grand plan (as it stands today) is to live in a small town called Machava, just south of Maputo. I have been in contact with an organization - Kutwanana - there that provides supplemental - sometimes primary - care to orphans in the community. They've invited me to come and train their teachers - mostly 16 - 22 year olds with no teaching experience - to work with kids. I've agreed as long as they teach me about their cultural needs.

E, flying under the radar, will be traveling the village on "carewalks" to the homes of the orphans. She'll provide basic medical care and advise and train care givers on things they can do to manage and maintain good health.

This is really becoming a great adventure and we're pretty psyched about it. Anxious, yes. But really excited. If ever God had his hand in anything, this trip would be it.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Still Waiting for the Final Nod

We are now 13 days away from departure and have hope that we will wind up in Maputo. It's still up to the powers that be (those people at the public library) as to where we wind up. So, in the meantime, I've put together a map to orient everyone to where we might be heading.
Our Trip Map
Stay tuned for daily updates on our already fateful journey!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

new news for a new day

Mozambique has officially been moved to the back burner in favour (the English are in the house) of the more together and welcoming Zambia. Of course this is a wish at this time, too.
Our trip to Mozambique is currently in jeopardy do to lack of approval to work from the Ministry of Health in Mozambique. Our people are talking to their people, but not getting anywhere. So we've asked our people to get ahold of their people in Zambia to see if we can come there. Confused?
Below you'll find the flow chart.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Portuguese Irregular Verbs

While I do not profess to speak English proficiently, I do affirm to the fact that my Portuguese is horrible. This is a problem only because we depart for Mozambique in 19 days. New Year's Eve will find us 36,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean and en route to an organized (?) adventure.

Stay tuned for the details of our ill conceived, albeit carefully crafted, journey to the land of malaria and smiles.