Thursday, December 21, 2006

Here's our plan

So, we were given news that we didn't want to hear yesterday. Dr. V., of "The Institute", dropped us an email that confirmed his fear that we will be useless to them since they haven't been granted permission to work in Mozambique yet.

Not being one to look at the downside of most situations, I began, in earnest, to track down anyone in Mozambique who could use a physician and an adventurous program development guru. I located some doctors who fix hearts two times a year for the Maputo Heart Institute. The mission chief for the March surgical intervention, Dr. Jonathan Chen, is trying to hook us up, but there may be a great deal of red tape to cut through. But it is an option.

Our grand plan (as it stands today) is to live in a small town called Machava, just south of Maputo. I have been in contact with an organization - Kutwanana - there that provides supplemental - sometimes primary - care to orphans in the community. They've invited me to come and train their teachers - mostly 16 - 22 year olds with no teaching experience - to work with kids. I've agreed as long as they teach me about their cultural needs.

E, flying under the radar, will be traveling the village on "carewalks" to the homes of the orphans. She'll provide basic medical care and advise and train care givers on things they can do to manage and maintain good health.

This is really becoming a great adventure and we're pretty psyched about it. Anxious, yes. But really excited. If ever God had his hand in anything, this trip would be it.

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