Monday, January 22, 2007

Indian Dinner

Last night, Erin and I were invited to eat copious amounts of amazing Indian food. It was completely vegetarian and, yes, it was all lovely. CC, be aware that I will bring back recipes for a couple of the relish items that were force fed on the side. One of the attending physicians at the Heart Institute, Dinesh, invited us to dine at his parents home in Maputo. So we said yes. upon arrival we were introduced to his mother, father, sister-in-law, brother (who had just walked in the door), and his nephew - all of seven years old and capable of quoting every current and archaic American catch phrase completely out of context. Cool, Dude, Know what I mean, Jump High.

We were offered a glass of whisky because that's what American drink. I accepted, so as not to be rude to our hosts. This is when the strangeness began. Dinesh started searching through the TV cabinet for the "open" bottle of Chivas Regal. After looking through roughly 6 unopened bottles of Chivas, it was finally accepted that there was no open bottle and a new bottle would need to be opened. This was all quite humorous because no one in the family drinks alcohol.

We then were privvy to the family photo album and viewed the photos of Dinesh's brother, who lives in Texas, at their sister's wedding here in Maputo. Got it? Good. The wedding photos were great and Dinesh's brother looks to be a nice man. Hard to say, but we were encouraged to call him when we return to the states. The family, including Dinesh, seems to be very proud of Dinesh's brother (maybe even more proud they than they are to have a doctor in the family.) because he lives in America. Priya, maybe we can find you a nice husband, eh?

At any rate, Dinesh, Erin, and I sat down to eat and were promptly shown the spread. There was way too much food for the three of us and we kept waiting for mom, dad, sister-in-law, kids - anyone - to join us to eat.

Long story short, I overate, Erin filled up (remember, all veg), and we had a great time. We were invited back, so, good one for us.

Today is hot again and we are getting geared up for our holiday up north. We'll keep you posted.


Chris said...

I'm holding you to your promises of relish. I relish the thought of a tasty new relish. Mmmm...relish.

Really kind of a stupid word if you say it over an over again... relish... relish(ellipsis) relish...

Unknown said...

Nice photo CC. I relish it really. You actually appear to be relishing something... Perhaps a hot dog stand with a pot of relish for consumption...

These stories are great JD and E i relish them too. Mostly I want a hot dog now.

Anonymous said...

DUDES!!! That post was totally for me, huh? Now I'm on call AND starving! D'oh! One of my newly diagnosed Onc patients had a super-sweet family that was totally stressed out during her hospital stay, and I spent lots of time with them answering questions and such. Anyway, during one of our visits- after grilling me about why I was single- Grandpa promised to find me a good husband. With you guys working for me, now there are tons of folks looking. Of course, all I want is a fun time with my dear friends....and maybe some hot loser boy or a musician b/c that's all I seem to be attracted to. But nothing for longer than a week, haha! I'm having too much fun working ALL the time to settle down. Really. And you know how Sundberg gets if I don't mention her ghetto booty q5 minutes...
Anyway, I am totally enthralled by your experiences in the hospital Erin. I can't believe you got to do an echo! You'll have to show me how. Bet you'll get to do some wicked cool stuff in the cath lab. Not too much excitement over here. Heme/Onc is crazy busy. Paul's got a birthday coming up this weekend and of course, we will be celebrating with him and Joaquim (who we hope will give him something besides malaria for a present). Tresa's sister is visiting as well, so there will be fun stuff going on this weekend. Yay! It's freezing cold, which sucks but probably sounds pretty nice to you guys. I miss you TONS and can't wait till you get back. Keep up the amazing work! I love you both.

Krishna said...

Mmmm. Indian food. Krishna likes Indian food.

Anonymous said...

Haven't blogged to you all in several days so I had to catch up on your lastest posts. Wow you all have had unreal experiences. Erin, I will really be praying for your work. It reminds me of my humanity and humility when I hear about how little you can do for some people there. Our technology is amazing yet death is still a very present part of life, especially where you are suddenly limited by lack of technology and language.

I am glad I have not experienced the Vienna Sausage bus ride like you all did crammed in so close to so many people all sweating at the same time. Wow, I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. I look forward to seeing pictures. Here it was 21 F degrees this morning so I did not eat breakfast with my front door open.

We love you all and miss you... well except for Dan and he says he doesn't miss Jeff very much.

Chris said...

You've got good ideas there Danno. A stand (or perhaps even a cart) purveying hot wieners with a pot of relish - I could eat lunch right now.

Anonymous said...

Great work.