Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Almost Done and Ready to Write

Hello to all and thanks for your patience. We've been out of communication for the past ten days and have had a lot of adventure since then.

We knew coming into this trip that there would be a lot to write about, but we had no idea how difficult it would be to write in the context of a blog and within the attention span of the writers.

Our adventure here has been grand. This is an inaccurate adjective and completely understated. But given the range of our emotions and challenges to our intellect while here, it is fair to say that this was, indeed, a grand experience.

Over the next few weeks, we will be chronicaling our trip beginning with our aforementioned South African trip (to be entitled "Multiple Entry Visas") and running though some interesting experiences and observations at Kutwanana and finishing with our holiday trip to Mango Beach, Tofo, Inhambane Province in central Mozambique. We'll only say that we found ways other than cash to pay for our accomodations.

Since we are post-posting to the blog, you can challenge the accuracy of the details all you want. But, you can never challenge that these are our memories and they're probably better than whatever the accurate truth might have been on those days.

Enjoy the warm up photos!

Chau and we will see some of you on Thursday!
J and E


Ann said...

The only thing I will challenge, since you looked fairly challenged in the arm wrestling, is that 8 days was too long to keep us from knowing you are okay. Visions of revolutions kept me awake last night. Happy to see your smiling faces this morning. God's speed coming home.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeff, thanks for the comment about your bum. As we all know, no blog or trip to Africa for that matter would be complete without mention of your bum. I hope both of your lovely bums have a safe journey back home and call me the instant you land so that I can start planning a big get-together. Love you both and miss you like a mo-fo. P.S. Remind me to teach you how to arm wrassle!

Chris said...

I'll gives you the what-for when you gets back! Happy travels!

Sam said...

Safe travels!! Hope you're not too weary when you return. Can't wait to hear from you, please call ASAP! Maybe I'll see you soon?? :)
xo Sam

Unknown said...

HA! I knew this was all a farse. I bet you have had no adventures, in fact you probably spent the entire time being good Americans helping the less fortunate. Now, tell the truth Jeff, how many times did you say,"We're Americans, we're not from here." in a load voice, to be sure they understood you.